Saturday, May 30, 2009

Baby Emma

Now she's over 3 months and the cutest baby! So smiley and lovely..
The proud parents Monica and Alex is having her baptised this weekend.
Congrats on your lovely family!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This is for..

You who think you know, but in reality are clueless!

I've experienced my share of weirdness trough the years, but there's a few things that I've not been able to wrap my mind around yet. Like men, relationships (both friends and lovers), family and life.
I go day by day, never really plan anything, because of getting used to being stood up I guess. But I'm not bitter, I never regret my decisions or blame others for things going wrong. I raise up, brush it off and start over. I really believe that everything will be alright and that everybody will get what they deserve. But I've never been the one who sit quietly in the shadow of others. I use it all for what it's worth. Because I truly believe that for as long as I've only got myself to take care of everything goes. This isn't egoistic or selfishness, but a way to secure my own life. For the most of my time I've always done as I've wanted and I still do. Because when others can't define a situation or a relationship I don't ow them anything. To get my loyalty you'd have to be honest about your intention. Yes I've made mistakes and I still do, no ones perfect. But for what it's worth it's my life!

I have my friends, my good friends that I trust, love and would give my life for!

How many great loves will you get? Is it like Charlotte from "Sex and the City" states, that we only get two great loves?
I believe that love will come your way at any time, no rules and regulations. You can as easily fall out of love as in it again. And throughout your whole life as well as my own I think we'll fall in love with others even when we're in a relationship. There's no stopping our feelings. But to really be with the one you have invest like you do with friends. It takes time, work and money! Nothing comes easy. It's like wall street or as we have here in Norway, Oslo Børs. Not to be superficial, but just look at your life and you'll see. And still there's no promises that it'll stay that way!

But stay in the game and stay positive!!
It's all love...

Copyright © 2009 Lady AhY

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The coloring day.

I've been having these weird dreams lately about people in my life and situations. So when I wake up in the morning I had problems with separating dreams and reality. I've always been the one who's more than mediocre creative, so there's been times when I've believed so much in one thing that I actually thought it has happened. I'm not sure if we can call these little stories white lies or just plain lies. But the thing is that in my head I truly believe them. And I gladly tell them to others without so much as a doubt in my mind. But I've been confronted a few times, by others who remember better.

All day I sit here at work looking at people and surfing the web. To be honest, some of the humans on this planet are freakishly weird and strange. Would you, when you're at the gym go to the reception and ask for lost and found because you didn't remember to bring your own shorts and borrow a sweaty one? NO, no, no, no that's disgusting i tell you! Once and for all, please don't do that, it's not OK! And it's not sanitary!

Is it OK to tell a lie when it benefits the other person?

Copyright © 2009 Lady AhY

Friday, May 22, 2009



Hvilken Britney er du?


Sexy Britney

Du er nok hovedatraksjonen for mange når du er ute på byen eller på fest, du er hot.

Like my name friend Anniken, I also took this quiz. Haha, funny stuff! Here in Norway we have to much time on our hands, so we use our time carefully you see.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

In Life As In Art Some Endings Are Bitter Sweet.

Whenever you go that extra mile for that other person, it should be because you really want to. Nevertheless it should be from the heart. Because when you involve another person and something is unclear it’s hard to see what’s what. So just be honest, it’s time for that now!

Somewhat in these situations someone always ends up feeling left out. Because when people say what they say, but never do what they’re supposed to do the doubt and hesitation comes. And with this it all becomes more complicated, tempting to do and say things that are sure to fuck things up! Where do you take the strength from, to ask a person about your relationship? When are you in a relationship? What defines friendship and a relationship? You can go around having sex without being in a relationship, even when it feels like one. The thing that becomes clearer is that when a person doesn’t include you in their life you mean nothing. But why say the things, the sweet things, without really having an intention? This is so frustrating and fucked that not even the smartest nor the prettiest person understands it! So enlighten a lady would you. With stories from your own life, write them here in the comment section and share a little information.

“The Game” is the big thing out here now, almost every man I’ve spoken to read it or is reading it. So it’s time to watch out for those sneaky one. A lot of guys use this to get laid and is that really just what you want? In these situations it can go both ways as well, there’s no guarantee. But if you just follow your gut and intuition it all falls into place. I am without a doubt a gullible and somewhat a little naive lady, because I believe the best of the person I meet. But I also expect the worst out of a person, so it’s a tricky situation for the ones who’s in my life, for sure! And I’m one of those who in reality need a lot of attention to feel appreciated. So in the past I had relationships that I just used for the time being. Yes, that’s harsh and bad, but what am I going to do about it? So I’m always on my feet when I really like someone. It’s like playing a mind game of I-like-you- but-I-pretend-not-too so my heart’s protected.

Copyright © 2009 Lady AhY

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


"When it comes to asking for what you want from your partner, taking the direct approach is best. They'll appreciate it if you don't make them guess what makes you happy."

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Is He/She Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong?

When you put your trust in another person, can you really expect something back? Sometimes it all feels like a one-way-street. With only one heart in this..

When you follow your intuition things tend to be as you think. But why are you still here then? It's just hurting, not that you tell the person or ever will. But you're supposed to see it clearly, you whom read people so well! Tired of being the one who always wind up waiting. Things won't be different. It's not that you don't think that you get enough attention, you just don't know what to expect for real! You don't care about how many guys/girls nights out, you just want to be the one. The one that the other person come home to and love. You're done being the one-to-have-fun-with-lady, you're better of alone then. Because to tell you the truth, it's not fun! And you've been trough your share of having-fun-guys/girls. So if that's all you wanted you would be with one of them! You wouldn't found a new one, would you?

You're not in a hurry curry, you just know what you want. And if you're not on the same page, all you got to say is; WHATEVER!

You're not so sure about the other person, but at times it feels like you want to be in a couple. And then things turn, it might just be in your head. But it's not supposed to feel like this! You're starting to loose myself. You just feel alone and forgotten.
I don't like this feeling, it's scary and frightening. So this is where you should end it or ask yourself the question, is he/she really worth my time?
Things and situations gets old real fast at times. When something feels off, it often is! It's called trusting your gut feeling.. So when faith knocks on your door, you'll know it for sure!

I've been watching this Korean TVShow on DVD, Full House.

Here's a clip. It's the sweetest show! I must admit that I even cried a few times! And that's not normal for me! Never have I been good at showing affection and real feelings. And the characters in this show it's a lot like me really. Flaky and searching for answers.

Copyright © 2009 Lady AhY